Sif & Cerberus - VRChat Avatars
Individual Pictures and toggles can be found on their respective pages (listed at the bottom!)
- Clothing & Accessory
- Adorable Cerberus plushie you can place on your head, shoulders and hands!
- Jiggles where you would expect there to be! Uses Physbones!
- Headpat w/ particles and nose boop contacts - toggleable
- Custom body textures + skintone slider
- Entirely PBR textured clothing, this model's look will adapt to the world you're in
- Black & white texture radials for clothes, hair and accessories
- Eye hue and & saturation radials
- Lighting adjustment options; force fallback reflections, adjust brightness, greyscale lighting
- Combination facial gestures! Mix n' match hand gestures to make a wide variety of expressions
- Updated to GoGo Locomotion!
- Requires VRCFury to function
Uses and does NOT come with:
- Poiyomi Toon 8.1.167
- VRChat 3.0 SDK
- VRCFury
You will need to install the VRCFury repository in order for all of the avatar's features to function. Please make sure you have all of the above before importing the avatar.
Upload Instructions:
Find the upload instructions on their respective pages linked at the credits below.
Under any circumstance you must NOT use the assets on the avatars without having purchased them from the original creators whatsoever. You must NOT upload these avatars publicly or redistribute it and EACH must be uploaded to only ONE account. You may price split with ONE person; but this MUST be the person you are duo'ing with. If you are duo'ing these avatars with someone, you must put BOTH of your details in the checkout. Failure to comply will lead to you being blacklisted. You MUST credit me if using the avatar for streaming, or any other content (nobody likes a gatekeeper). I am NOT liable for future updates breaking the avatars, however I will always do my best to fix and patch the avatar for the foreseeable future.
Individual credits can be found on their respective pages:
If you have purchased one of them previously and want a discount towards to other to complete the duo, DM me!
If there are any issues or anything you need help with, feel free to DM me on Discord! ♥